Fabulae Dramatis - Zeergentiin Shil

Зээргэнэтийн шилд
Зэрлэг буга л урамдана
Зэрэгцүүлэн өсгөсөн
Их бага хоёр загал морь
Их л загал нь байзаарай
Ижил л юундаа яараа вэ хө


In the pasture of savage deer of downhill of “Zeergent”,
my big and small horses are bred together.Please wait, my big horse, are you in a hurry to see your mate?
Please wait, my small horse, why are you in such a hurry?Let me wait untill the snow melts and the deer of Taiga bells.
Let me wait untill the cuckoo and birds sing
and the blue fog diminishes.